In XARXES-INNOVAESTIC 2022 conference, we are going to present part of our research, which focuses on the objective of analysing the relationship between blended learning and students’ autonomy in Higher Education, and the role of teachers by providing feedback. In IO1, we are following an explanatory sequential design: First, twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with a heterogeneous sample of students from the six universities of the consortium. Afterwards, a focus group with students from different countries delved on the main topics emerged in the previous interviews. Future steps are planned to repeat the procedure (interviewing a similar number of students, and ending with two more focus groups). The questions posed both in individual interviews and in the focus group were directed to understanding their experience on face-to-face learning and interacting using digital tools, the steps they followed to accomplish their grade, and how teaching styles influenced their understanding of education. In the conference, the preliminary results will be presented along with other meaningfull aspects to understand Blearn_Autonomy.
Mogas J., Rambla, X. & Cea, A. (2022). Blended Learning in Higher Education: Teachers’ Feedback and Students’ Autonomy. XX Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria (REDES 2022) & V Workshop Internacional de Innovación en Enseñanza Superior y TIC (INNOVAESTIC 2022). Universitat d’Alacant (UA), País Valencià.